
APICloud.Me is a cloud API provider: we develop and offer powerful and scalable Web APIs. Every API has a complete documentation as well as a demo and a free usage plan. We are always open for communication and partnership!
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3 votes Vote

your demo is returning error code 0.

Dave, 21.04.2020, 19:23
2 votes Vote

Add skin tones filtering / detection

Want to get the color cloud of clothing on a model. ie swim suit, jewelry, glasses etc. May be able to just ignore "skin tone" colors from return on client side. Thoughts or ideas on how to get pink or coral from an image like this...
Response from the site administrator
apicloud, 03.09.2013
Hi Bob,
Skin tone detection is ill-posed and rather hard problem, unfortunately. As it ranges “from the darkest brown to the lightest pinkish-white hues” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/human_skin_color), it’s practically impossible to filter skin tone without additional knowledge. So, in this case we could suggest using ColorTag API with sort=relevance and then skipping first values which correspond to skin tones on your images. This would certainly lead to skipping all beige clothing on Caucasian models, but it could resolve the problem with detecting major color on all the other images.
Bob Clark, 26.07.2013, 05:35
1 vote Vote

Do you guys still maintain pricing for your API?

I was wondering if you could work with us in creating a pricing plan that fits our use of your API?
Ken, 26.06.2018, 23:00
0 votes Vote

Not detecting African American woman's face

I am creating a Makeup app using the FaceMark api and it detects all the Caucasian faces in my demo but it will not detect the African American Woman. You can find the image here: http://www.beholdbeautyapp.com/images/practice_photo_2.jpg...
FaceMarker, 02.06.2016, 23:50
1 comment
0 votes Vote

The testing on https://rapidapi.com/apicloud/api/facemark/endpoints

The testing on https://rapidapi.com/apicloud/api/facemark/endpoints is not working.
Babafemi Emeka Orogun, 02.10.2019, 09:55
6 votes Vote

Add background color filtering

If I upload an image of an orange toy on large gray background, ColorTag gives gray color as primary. It would be nice to have background filtered out.
Response from the site administrator
apicloud, 26.03.2013
Done! It is added as default feature. So if once you want to turn it off, use sort=weight.
OSmeriset, 19.03.2013, 21:51
1 vote Vote

My software in the cloud

I have a software which I have written. Can I put it to the cloud with you?
Response from the site administrator
apicloud, 19.02.2013
Yes, sure, Kashif, please contact us via business@apicloud.me :)
kashifakhtar, 19.02.2013, 12:49